Igneous Polyconcrete is a resin based concrete containing no cement or cemetitous elements. Resin is mixed with a variety of fine filling materials and glass fibres, resulting in the polyconcrete. Our product is therefore relatively lightweight, while still remaining highly durable and long lasting. In comparison, a polyconcrete item of the same design, is roughly half the weight of one made from cementitious concrete. The relative light weight provides great logistical and handling advantages, while still retaining heaviness to withstand wind and to make unwanted moving of items more challenging. All our items can be fixed down with bolting structures should movement be of concern.
We offer a 21-colour standard range as well as the option to pigment match the polyconcrete to a colour of your choosing. All items are sealed with a resin based polyester top coat that is a pigment matched to the underlying polyconcrete. The polyconcrete is itself fully pigmented throughout the whole item, reducing the noticeability of small scratches or chips should these occur. The top coat also allows for low maintenance, only generic cleaning products are required.
Igneous polyconcrete is both water repellant and water resistant, as well as resistant to chlorine. The material does not therefore allow for water marks, bubbling, peeling or chalking over time. All our pigments are UV stable.Igneous also has a glass fibre reinforced polyconcrete option should the design, weight or strength requirements demand it. GRP is also used to reduce the cost of items specified. GRP provides the same smooth, elegant finish while increasing the strength of the design and reducing the material thickness from 20mm to 6-8mm. As such, polyconcrete and GRP items are largely indistinguishable from each other. GRP is largely used for our large-scale and rectangular pots, drip trays, as well as some slim-design furniture options.